Percentage Increase Calculator


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Final value calculator


Percentage calculator ►

Percentage increase/decrease calculation

The percentage increase/decrease from initial value (Vinitial) to final value (Vfinal) is equal to the initial and final values difference divided by the initial value times 100%:

percentage increase =
Vfinal - Vinitial Vinitial
× 100%

Example #1

Price percentage increase from initial value of $1000 to final value of $1200 is caluclated by:

percentage increase =
$1200 - $1000 $1000
× 100% = 0.2 × 100% = 20%

Example #2

Price percentage increase from initial value of $1000 to final value of $800 is caluclated by:

percentage increase =
$800 - $1000 $1000
× 100% = -0.2 × 100% = -20%


percentage decrease = 20%

Difference and final value calculation

The difference d is equal to the initial value Vinitial times the percentage increase/decrease p divided by 100:

d =
Vinitial × p 100

The final value Vfinal is equal to the initial value Vinitial plus the difference d:

Vfinal = Vinitial + d


Percentage calculator ►


See also